Blogging is now considered a serious business venture. As people are quickly realizing the income-generating possibilities that come with maintaining one, it also takes a lot of work in order to reap the benefits of a successful blog. Here are some writing tips to help you come up with better entries without taking so much time.
1. Consider how many times you want to post in a week
Regularly updated blogs attract more readers than those with sporadic updates. In order to have a successful blog, there must be enough updates in a week to keep your readers going back for more. It is easy to lose a following online-a couple of days without updates and readers might think you abandoned your blog already. Having at least three posts in a week should keep your following at bay.
2. Set a particular time in a day to write a post
Most people find it easier to write in the early hours of the morning, usually before the sun peeks out of the clouds. Others seem to be more at ease when writing in the wee hours of the evening. Discover which time of the day you feel comfortable to sit down and type away in front of your computer and stick to it. That way, the chances of you getting too lazy to compose an entry will be minimized since you have ingrained it as part of your routine.
3. Queue content
If you are planning to have a vacation abroad and you would not have time to update your blog, schedule some articles on your blog so that it won’t seem “abandoned” while you are away. These contents should not be time-bound, so that it doesn’t seem like you have written them months ago. Most content management platforms have options to save drafts. You can simply choose to keep the drafts and update them when you have the time or when you feel like finishing an entry.
4. Attend writing seminars
In order to keep up with generating better content at a faster rate, it is best to check out writing seminars to improve your writing skills. There are even blogging workshops nowadays that do not only help people with how they write online; some even teach how to market their blogs and attract more readers in the process.
5. Make Adobe Photoshop actions
For photo-heavy blogs, learning how to make actions on Adobe Photoshop is extremely important. These actions can be used to batch edit images in one go. Most bloggers have actions for resizing or putting a watermark on an image. Some even go the extra mile and have their personalized actions for curves, levels and blending options to achieve a certain look to their images.
It is important to develop blogging skills in order to adapt to the fast-paced online environment. Whether you intend to earn from your blog or you simply want to share your thoughts to the world, improving your pace and your content are equally important. Blogging can be rewarding, and it can be attained through practice, dedication and skill.
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Nice Article Siddharth, its really gonna help me newbies like me.
Your blog posts are so thorough that I always come back to read more. I’ve recently been getting into article syndication myself, but I had no clue there were so many different ways to go about it. I’m definitely going to try some of these techniques to blog better. thanks!
Great article to learn from! Being a beginner in this field, I surely need loads of informations and things to learn in order to be a decent Social Media specialist. Cheers!
Nice Blogging tips i am following now the above tips thanks to share.
But this technique is not very easy for those who work and blog. Very nice article tho.
nice blog……..
can u pls tell me. what can i do for attracting my blog and increase my blog traffic……..