An important thing in blog SEO is we must ensure canonical url for your blog.
The reason is search engines treat
as different sites..
Lets see what are the affects if you don’t ensure a single url for your blog?
- Drop in Search Engine Rank:
Search engine will choose the best url to rank your site. So this will affect your search engine rank.
- Duplicate Content:
Check your site for this issue,
your site should always forward you to full url ie.,, if your site is at
If there is issue don’t worry
Enforce www. Preference and
.htaccess hack will help you fix it.
Fix it with Enforce www. Preference:
Install and activate Enforce www. Preference plugin.
Fix it with All in One SEO Pack:
Login to WordPress admin, go to Settings > All in one SEO plugin > check Canonical URLs.
Thesis theme also provide Canonical URL option by default. It helps to avoid Google penalty (SE ranking drop).
yup.. of course 🙂