This trick helps you to play pranks with your facebook friends just by updating your Status.
Here is the link that all matters.. that makes the trick.
Post your Status with this link :
Just try it out Yourself. Whenever a person is Logged into his facebook account, when this link is accessed, this will redirect the person to his Own Profile page.
So you could add your Status Message like this ,
“I just love this person so much. “
Note :
- While sharing the link on your wall, don’t forget to remove the Thumbnail linked with it.
- Post the status with a plain text and the link.
Hope you people enjoyed with the trick . Share your Comments with us 🙂
Seems to be a nice trick. I will try it now
Wonderful. Works like a charm.. Nice find 🙂
Thanks harsh 🙂
Great find Sidharth. Sweet trick. 😉
Thanks Neerai 🙂
Awesome Post Siddharth
Nice trick. Thanks for sharing
thanks Dude..
pranks are good , but never execute any java script to try out stuff , like they have in orkut
nice one….. quite funny……..
nice prank… will try in fb..
arre dude… i posted it but every1 thinks dat its their id!! :p
He he.. yes, almost 90% thinks the same 🙂
thats really amazing, nice one buddy
Hello Siddharth,
Great article and thanks for the help. I’m trying to increase my Fan Base.
Please feel free to help and, I will make U admin.
Check my Fan Page
Hope you love Hip-Hop Music 😉
Over and Out,
Crisis Mr. Swagger
There is a detailed article on it, you may look into it here on