A few surprises today to talk about the popularity of the devices with the mobile operating system Android or equipment Apple iPad and iPhone (with OS iOS ). Its market presence is overwhelming and anticipation surrounding the release of the flag of these devices is very large platform. However, some data still appear to be coming notorious. According to a study, the level of adoption of these teams is ten times greater than the rate at which our homes are filled PC throughout the eighties, and twice as fast with the Internet was adopted to Throughout the nineties.
A very characteristic data about what they mean today’s smartphones and tablets in the consumer culture of the people. Last month, there were a total of 640 million devices assets of these platforms ( Android and iOS ) throughout the world, more than ten times the entire population of Spain. By country, we found that the area of the world with greater presence of these devices is the United States, with a total of 165 million of equipment. Below is China . The country has 130 million smartphones and tablets Android and iOS , a figure that is likely to grow in the coming months and it will take you to China to become the leader of this ranking by Flurry Analytics . And is that taking into account the growth data of the last year, the United States has increased the number of devices in 30 million, while China has grown by 100 million.
Third is the UK, with 31 million devices, while the homeland of Samsung , South Korea , his heels with 28 million devices. Spain is in ninth place in the Top Ten of the countries colonized by Android and iOS, with 13 million of equipment, and has the honor of being the fourth European country (below the UK, Germany and France). Interestingly, the company has also revealed that the place with the highest penetration of these devices is Singapore , with a percentage of 92% taking into account the population aged 15 to 64 years. Followers Hong Kong with 87% and Sweden with 86% (Spain is not among the top ten).
China is the country with the highest growth in the number of these teams, with an increase of 400% in one year. In second place we find to Chile with a 279% and Brazil with a 220%. These two mobile platforms have become the great reference, especially in the field of smartphones, in which the two systems add up to 85% of all devices smarter , according to data it has collected the analyst IDC .
The adoption of iOS and Android , as we advance, is ten times faster than the computers in the eighties and two times faster than the Internet in the nineties, but the comparison is closer the to the social networks, which multiplied by three.
Author Bio: This article wrote by Raj Kumar Mishra. Raj is Digital Marketing Expert running two websites Technology news and SEO India Agency. He has many years of domain experience in these both industries to make blogger happy. He is also founder of India’s 1st ROI Base Company.
very interesting/informative post. Incredible figure of 640 million eh! absolutely awesome!!
Indeed it is! iOS and Android is not only growing fast but dominating the technology markets now. This is because when you have a device powered by them, it gives you the feeling that you are using a computer but with a handy one. Meaning, it gives people easy access to internet now without opening your PC.
As a massive Mac fan (from the days when Microsoft ruled the Universe), all I’ve got to say is WOW. So, what you’re saying is that they’re selling more products that Microsoft (the richest Company in the World in the 1990’s) did at the height of their best ever selling OS, Windows XP. I need to start re-designing my sites to take into account mobile devices more…
I think Android is fantastic. The percentage uses an unfair comparison however.
The mass is moving towards portable and powerful devices everyday, so the secret behind their huge succes is they have more power and potability than windows users.