It is very important to recycle your mobile phones as there is an increasing amount of handsets being released every week in markets. Old handsets that are no longer meets the latest technology and style are often thrown away. These phones on later stages will result in harmful effects to the environment.
These harmful effects in the form of toxins are fed into lakes or rivers which we humans and animals use it for drinking purposes. These toxins consumed by anyone will harm their health in one way or other in a long term. So its better to recycle the mobile phones and other devices that might cause problems to the human society.
Getting Cash for Mobiles :
If you are really looking to get a new mobile with all updated technology and sell or recycle your old handsets, then Cash for mobile is the best place for you hang out. They provide you reasonable cash for your old handsets which you wish to throw away for no money.
What do they do ?
Cash for Mobiles is a Mobile recycling Organization that pays people for selling their unwanted or old mobile mobile phones. It’s also one of the best and easiest way to make money from an unwanted or trashed stuffs. Once you get a newly updated hi-tech mobile, why should you place your Old handsets in your desks and consume unwanted space, as there is better way out to make cash for mobiles phones.
How do they Recycle ?
They help you get cash for your old mobiles and help you contribute a lot towards helping the environmental aspects. They offer you a competitive price for your mobile handset, you just need to send your mobile through postal services to them and wait for the cheque from them !
Reasons to recycle Your Handsets :
- Unwanted phones are recycled and shipped to developing countries and reused which in turn gives them a new life.
- By recycling the old handsets we can reduce the unwanted manufacturing of the same mobile phones.
Have you ever recycled a mobile phone in your lifetime ? Do share your experience with us in comments below 🙂
Nice Post Siddharth!
Is this Service available in India also??..
Thanks for sharing the info bro,
I was looking for recycling my old cellphones.I hope it will be available in middle east.
That’s good news 🙂
We have to send them to their place hope so, not actually in India
Thanks dude !!
I thought it would be all over the world by now it is very popular in the UK at the moment especially because of Christmas there are ads everywhere. I think Mazuma are the most popular at the moment because they pay the most for a lot of models. If they come to your country you should check them out.
Yes, that would be great if avail over here ..
Yes great website. I have also share this on my blog 2 weeks back.
just to add UK is the leading mobile phone recycling country in the world there are as many as 35+ companies. there are other counteries such as USA, Austrailia, France, Italy and a couple of middle east counrties doing this program
Never knew such services exist. But I don’t think this is available worldwide yet.