Here are a list of “The Top Words of 2009” according the “Wikipedia – The Free Encyclopedia” and their Rankings are as follows !
1. Twitter
The ability to encapsulate human thought in 140 characters
2. Obama
The word stem transforms into scores of new words like ObamaCare
3. H1N1
The formal (and politically correct) name for Swine Flu
4. Stimulus
The $800 billion aid package meant to help mend the US economy
5. Vampire
Vampires are very much en vogue, now the symbol of unrequited love
6. 2.0
The 2.0 suffix is attached to the next generation of everything
7. Deficit
Lessons from history are dire warnings here
8. Hadron
Ephemeral particles subject to collision in the Large Hadron Collider
9. Healthcare
The direction of which is the subject of intense debate in the US
10. Transparency
Elusive goal for which many 21st c. governments are striving
11. Outrage
In response to large bonuses handed out to ‘bailed-out’ companies
12. Bonus
The incentive pay packages that came to symbolize greed and excess
13. Unemployed
And underemployed amount to close to 20% of US workforce
14. Foreclosure
Forced eviction for not keeping up with the mortgage payments
15. Cartel
In Mexico, at the center of the battle over drug trafficking
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