After using a lot of applications for managing my Twitter profile ( @Siddharth_IN ) here i found Tweepi – a complete, best Twitter tool for managing the Twitter Followers.
# Geeky Follow
Geeky Follow helps you to follow twitter users matching your interests. With a number of options to choose from, this is one of the best ways to follow new twitter active users among millions.
# Geeky Flush
Are you one of those who unfollow twitter users not following you back ? Well, Geeky Flush lets you do exactly that!
# Geeky Reciprocate
Don’t want to disappoint your new followers? You should probably follow them back using Geeky Reciprocate.
# Geeky Cleanup
This is a cool, a Geeky feature .. Geeky Cleanup would help you unfollow all those twitter users who do not retweet often or aren’t sharing interesting links, etc.
# Key Features:
- Bulk follow twitter users
- Bulk unfollow twitter users
- Following the Followers of a particular person ( Geeky Follow )
- Clean up your twitter following list
- Automatically follow new followers
Tweepi is a simple collection of Twitter tools …
Each tool is designed in such a way to make a certain aspect of your Twitter experience and interactions, very much simpler and more enjoyable !!
I have used Tweepi and I loved its interface. Specially Geeky flush feature is what I like the most..
Recommended software….
Thanks for ur Comment dude 🙂
Havnt been using any Twitter related services of late ,will try this service
I used this service few times in long back, after seeing this post i’m going to use it once again 🙂
Yeah.. It really works.. 🙂
U would find Tweepi rlly usefull once ur following rate is above 2000 caz twitter expects a ratio between the follower n following rates… So using Tweepi u might remove the ppl who don follow u back usin ‘flush’ option… and follow back them who followed u usin the option ‘reciprocate’…
that’s true.. simplified form to explain.. thanks for the comment dude 🙂