Depending on the type of resources offered by an Internet server, there are various kinds of hosting services, the most popular and widely used of them are as follows,
Web Hosting:
Web hosting is the mostly used hosting service. It allows you put your Offline files on the internet so that you can access those pages online. The website itself is being hosted on a web server, is most often located in a specialized data center. The web server offers uninterrupted Internet connectivity, a certain set of software packages offering you additional services such as e-mail, ftp, databases, as well as an environment for utilizing different kinds of programming languages such as: html, php, java, perl, xhtml, and others as well.
E-Mail Hosting:
E-mail hosting is a type of hosting specialized in offering the electronic mail services. This type of hosting is usually offered together with web hosting or sometimes with the domain hosting. It allows for the creation of an e-mail address of the type . The clients of the e-mail hosting service also get large size mailboxes and the possibility to send many e-mails every day/ every hour. Most e-mail service providers offer access to the mailbox not only via a web interface, but also via POP3 and IMAP protocols, which renders the service accessible via both a web browser and specialized e-mail client software.
File Hosting:
File hosting is somewhat close to web hosting. The difference is that the server stores files and not the websites and web applications. the advantages of file hosting is the safe storage of information and its accessibility across the Internet with good transfer speed. It is most often used for storing and archiving large amount of data so that they are accessible from different parts of the world.
Image Hosting:
Image hosting is a specialized type of file hosting service, where only image files are being stored on the server. This allows users for easy and unrestricted sharing of images, graphics and other materials, which can be conveniently used on various online forums, eCommerce platforms, etc, which usually disallow the uploading of images and photos of very large size and resolution for the purpose of bandwidth limitation.
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