What is Cloud hosting and how does it work is important to understand in today’s age of Cloud computing. Cloud hosting is the most advanced form of hosting that has been becoming more and more popular over the last decade. “Divide and Rule” is the principal concept behind Cloud hosting. It spreads the resources needed for maintaining a website across multiple web servers, thereby rendering the resources on the basis of need. This significantly reduces possibilities of any downtime in occurrence of a server goof-up.
Cloud hosting also allows one to manage peak loads conveniently, without being challenged by bandwidth issues, as another server is able to offer the additional resources in such cases. Thus, a website does not need to depend on a single server. It can rely on a cluster of servers working together, the cluster being referred to as “the Cloud”.
Example of What is Cloud Hosting and how does it Work:
Google itself is a “real-time” example of Cloud hosting. The search engine giant has spread its resources over numerous servers on the Cloud, which is why Google.com has never been found to be facing any downtime over the last ten years or so.
Each of the servers in the Cloud, as discussed above, helps in performing a specific set of tasks. If any of the servers in the Cloud fails, the other servers temporarily fill-in as supporting back-ups, for rendering the necessary resources. A similar situation takes place in case of an overloaded condition as well. Use of inferior quality server hardware, however, can largely harm the performance. Such implementations do not deserve to be tagged with the “Cloud” title. This is often the case with typical cheap and inferior hosting providers.
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Business Cloud Hosting:
When business-level hosting services are provided, it is implied that quality has to be the primary objective. High quality business Cloud providers use VMware and provide highly dependable Cloud services that are far better than dedicated servers.
Dedicated Hosting Vs Cloud Hosting:
While comparing Cloud hosting to dedicated servers, the dependability factor is significant in the former case, as multiple servers at one’s disposal as opposed to just one dedicated server enables one to handle emergencies without stress and tension. The pricing, however, varies on the basis of the actual usage. The cost factor connected with Cloud architecture would be a little higher in case of extensive and heavy usage, though higher will be the resilience as well.
- Vps Vs Shared Hosting – VPS Wins in this Game with better resources
- VPS Vs Dedicated Server Hosting – Dedicated Wins in this, which comes with Dedicated resources with no neighbors accessing your resources as in VPS.
In case of conventional shared hosting and VPS, the cost factor is minimal and so is the reliability factor. A single server, in case of VPS, is divided into several chunks and each of the portions is managed by a specific user, thus making the capital investment considerably low. VPS is only ideal for those who are not concerned about the reliability factor that Cloud hosting provides.
Time (Server uptime) is directly proportional to business profits and so cloud becomes undeniable need for emerging businesses
What is Cloud hosting and how does it work can be understood when it is comprehended that Cloud hosting has made quite a long journey. Large businesses have been successfully using cloud for years now because of easy deployment and unbelievable uptime.
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