The Klout score is a parameter used to assess how influential you are online. The variables used for making this calculation are derived from social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook. The greater value you receive as your Klout score, the higher and more robust is your influence on the Internet and is related to any form of activity on a social networking website.
3 Key Factors:
The actual process of calculation of your Klout score involves the measurement of three characteristics of your online activity. These three key factors of assessment are
True Reach, Network Score, and Amplification Probability
True Reach is calculated on the basis of who interact with you on a periodic basis. Network Score is calculated on a 1 to 100 scale and determines how much your audience is influenced by you. Amplification Probability determines how much the status messages you post on your profile evoke actions from others. The more people respond to your message with a like or return comment, the greater will be your amplification score.
The Importance:
A low Klout score may not be of much concern if you are using a social networking website for personal use. However, if you want to use these websites for other purposes such as business, it is a good idea to have a score as high as possible. Obtaining a high score is not as tough and challenging as it appears to be. There are some simple steps that you can follow in this regard to enhance your score. The primary requirement for building a good score is to register your business with a social networking websites.
Once you have successfully completed the registration, make sure that you share useful information with others on your page. You can also create informative content yourself. As a third step, get a discussion started and show active participation in existing discussions. Follow all these steps carefully to contribute to improving your Klout score greatly.
Calculate your Score :
To calculate your Klout score, you must visit the Klout website and authenticate it using your facebook or twitter account. After authenticating, check your Klout score that is available at the top of your profile page. You will also be provided with lists of information associated with the account. This will also give you an idea on what you must do to improve your scores.
Efforts are being made continuously on an ongoing basis to make the calculation of Klout score an easier task to accomplish to calculate the real influence of a person in much better way. However, Klout score is not the end of the world, if you have less klout score, you shall not worry, algorithms are only about 90% effective whatever the case is.
Do let us know how much klout score you have? Are you really working to increase it? Drop your comments below.
Klout Score is not appreciable. It has literally no value for Following:Followers value.
Its all how you take it, some people are keen on the score, while some donot care about it !