How the Yahoo History began
Yahoo history began as a hobby of a student and exploded into a top global brand for communication and information access and purchasing methods. Yahoo history involves two individuals David Filo and Jerry Yang who were Ph.D. students in Stanford University doing Electrical Engineering. In 1994 they started their guide in their campus trailer with their list of favorite links. Their lists became too long and turned into sub categories till the concept of Yahoo Search was born.
Yahoo is an acronym
The Yahoo history first started out as ‘Jerry and David’s Guide to the WWW’ and the name Yahoo is an acronym whose full form is ‘Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle’ while the actual dictionary meaning of yahoo is rude, or uncouth. Jerry and David, the originators of the yahoo history, realized the need of a single spot for finding websites. The yahoo history can recall 1994 statistics as the year it hit its first million hit a day and a 100 thousand unique visitors.
A momentous step in the yahoo history
The yahoo history is not complete without Tim Koogle who was also an alumnus of Stanford who became its CEO and Jeffrey Mallet as COO. The yahoo history continued with Reuters Ltd. And Softbank investing it and it became a hit IPO in 1996 with 49 employees.
Yahoo today
Yahoo Inc. is now a top notch global internet communications company with a complete network service catering to 345 million people every month. While reading about the yahoo history one must remember that it was the first online navigational guide, that is, for user search. The yahoo history is not complete without mention of its number one status as an online services enterprise which increases productivity of its clients through Corporate Yahoo which is a customized solution. Other features completing the yahoo history are its audio and video streams, management and store hosting and its tools for web surfing.
Nice post….I have also noticed that many of us don’t know that Yahoo came up earlier then Google…
Hi Siddarth, I’m The to get Yahoo Back Link
thank b4
i still love the service of yahoo than google , the pages are colored with more info , than in google with empty pages .. lol
he he.. Google stands top for its simplicity 😀
hey great post. i didn’t what yahoo stands for. really liked your post.
Glad that u liked it 🙂