Google has been unanimously accepted all over the world as the largest and most innovative web service provider. There are many Google facts published in many websites. Here are some interesting Google facts some of which are quite amusing. Some of these Google facts are well known.
Google’s name
It is a Google fact that the name itself was hit upon by accident. The original founders inadvertently made a spelling error. They wanted to go in for a ‘Googol’ update. The Google fact here is that there was a typo in their first investment check received and another Google fact is that the name’’ had already been taken. This Google fact is absolutely authentic.
It is a fact that they learned about the six types of email users and then designed it to fit these 6 types of users.
Feedback from users – a positive Google fact
Another very positive Google fact is that they are very interested in the customer feedback and listen to everyone very keenly. Their working model is oriented in such a manner that the Google employees use one fifth of their time on working on home projects and this has resulted in Google News and Orkut.
Google’s Home page
Another noteworthy Google fact is that their home page is quite empty as their founders were not acquainted with HTML. It is a Google fact that the submit button itself came very late and the ‘Return’ key was the only to get it into action.
An astounding Google fact is that approximately one billion search requests are received per day by the Google Search engine. Another impressive Google fact is that it has the largest index of web pages consisting of 8 billion web pages and the whole collection is often searched in just about half a second.
Yet another interesting Google fact is that users can restrict themselves to 35 non English languages and Google has a Klingon interface for receiving requests which may come from beyond the orbit of the earth. However, naturally, no such requests have been received.
What do you think about these facts ? Your comment is always appreciated 🙂
great work dude …. interesting facts
Well,Sid the site is improved. I came here after a long time. The google thing interested me. Let good articles come up.
Rate at which google is growing in a positive direction , the day is not far When Google will be the internet Government , And we will be having The “Powered By Google” text everywhere.
You’re absolutely right. Google is the most powerful search engine in world
but it’s the first to know that Google’s name come by spelling error really interesting !
but please could you provide further details about the founders of Google ?
Thank You
Hi siddharth,
I was using Google for a long time but this was a new info for me.
Any way thanks
Glad that u found it interesting 🙂
Will add more shortly ..
Happy that you found it Useful post.
Thanks for the comment 🙂
ha that’s really true..
Google will rock so soon with “Powered By Google” everywhere 🙂
Thanks for the comment 🙂 Will surely get you new n wondrful articles soon 🙂
Thanks SA 😉
Had a nice time surfing the blog.
Great Blog.
Keep Blogging 🙂
Yup!! Interesting facts well explained. Google always keeps users in its perspective.
Interesting facts. I did not know that the Google founders were weak at HTML!
nice info, thank you so much Siddarth
more important is google get placed in all blogger site as main category
Welcome dude 🙂
wat abt pigeon concept ?? plzz mention
Am unaware of that dude.. will surely check it.. thanks for letting me know about it !
good facts, but the most interesting fact about google is just their name.
I like the name Google. 🙂
because it means search.
This is true that Google is growing day by day in different aspects of internet and we will not be shocked if it becomes the king of the internet.
yes ofcourse 🙂
yes, the first n foremost 🙂