Success minded marketers need to stay right on top of site analytics to see if their PPC campaign or site changes are reaping dividends, or if they need to be tweaked. Webmasters field calls about sites they’ve built seeking answers about analytics. What do you do when you’re away from your computer but need access to analytics right now? You put an app on your iPhone, of course. There are a handful of outstanding options to consider, so let’s review the 7 best iPhone Website Analytic Apps.
Source: Chika
1. Analytics App [$5.99]
This is the most comprehensive app of its kind. Get the single shot dashboard report or go as deep into your data as you want, with more than 50 reports available, just as if you were sitting at your work computer. Get the popular “Today” report, a new feature, as well as “Yesterday” info. You can access multiple metrics for most reports with quick customization of your data range. AA supports multiple logins and accounts, another new feature.
2. Analytics Pro [$3.99]
This app supplies all the basics. Simply log into your Google Analytics account and it takes you to 19 different reports including those detailing traffic numbers and sources, map overlay and content overview.
3. myAnalytics [$3.99]
This versatile tool isn’t as comprehensive as some, but it features great usability and the kind of snapshot that keeps you up to speed while on the go. It’s multiple reports provide overview data such as visits, page views, bounce rate, average time on site, and enough info to help you make decisions on the spot when needed.
4. Ego [$1.99]
Ego delivers a very handy overview of what’s going on in one simple interface. Not a lot of depth but a fast, quick look that gives you the big picture. Check visitor numbers, changes, and subscription totals and more, all in one central location. Keep up with your blog numbers and how many people are following you on Twitter, too.
5. Analytics Lite [Free]
This is a free version of Analytics Pro. It isn’t as complete, but depending on what you need while out and about it might provide enough. It delivers a quick overview with enough report data to let you know in what direction things are going. Analytics Lite does sport some advertizing to pay its own way.
6. Analyze This! [Free]
Another freebie with lots to offer. This app gives you the numbers that most directly affect your bottom line enabling you to make important decision on the fly when you must. Keep track of e-commerce, monitoring goals, ad campaigns, and snapshots of their daily, weekly, and monthly progress.
7. Hootsuite iPhone App [$2.99]
Twitter enthusiasts who use their account to drum up business must have this app. It allows you to manage your account and also track the effectiveness of your messages to see if they were truly sweet tweets. Track user ratings for links using and, access your followers’ profiles and enjoy a few more handy functions. It’s specialized, yes. But if Twitter is your thing, the Hootsuite iPhone App is your mobile gateway.
We all know what it’s like to be away from our computers and get distracted by a need to know what’s happening with our numbers. Now you can access the data to get your answers and then get on with your other business or pleasure pursuits, all with incredible usability on your iPhone. Get all of these and others at It has never been easier to forge the competitive edge that comes from staying abreast of the numbers that matter.
James Adams reports on newly released technology and also analyzes and reviews hardware for one of the leading suppliers of ink cartridges in the UK.
Nice post. I will try only the cheapest one 😛
Nice to see that developers build iphone apps for webmaster. However, i dont see any market for this kind of apps, simply because this market is so small and most of webmasters prefer to use web based apps such as Google analytics and Google webmaster.
useful info for me to use …
Great article….but i think…Analytics App would be the best….
I’ve been fishing around for the right analytics package to work for me on the go. I LOVE Woopra, but I don’t have an iPhone 4g so their app doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried clicky and liked it, but got cut off the free trial because my sites had too much traffic. GoogleAnalytics just doesn’t do it for me, but I keep using it because there are apps that check it on the go.
Anyone else know of any free “package” alternatives to Google?
Nice post i know abut 2 of them in the list you mentioned, Glad that you shared rest of them will try them once and let you know.
This is a great share collection. Usually, I login to Google Analytics even if I’m mobile. I’m gonna try these apps tonight. Thanks mate.
I’m constantly on Analytics on my desktop PC and find the drill-down aspect of the Google site pretty much indespensable. Being able to take apart my sites and see exactly where the traffic is coming from, time of day when I get peak traffic, what keywords they show up for and all the minutae that help me decide how to move my sites forward are all very very important to me. These apps however don’t give me all of these. I’ll have one of these on my iPhone for a “Global” snapshot of each of my sites, but as the name of number 4 says: Ego, that’s all there is to the app.