I have explained earlier about how to build huge Twitter followers easily using free twitter tools. If you havn’t went through the topics, do have a look on it.
1. 7 Simple Steps to increase your Twitter Followers
2. Tweepi – The Best bulk follow/unfollow twitter tool
Well, so now you got huge followers list and you wanna make money with your Twitter account ? here it goes,
Be-a-Magpie – Twitter Advertising
Here is a Service named Be-a-Magpie, a Twitter Advertising Platform, ( not associated with Twitter ) that will help you earn few $ just for tweeting. Just Register and set your tweets to auto post . Usually they posts ads on your timeline with minimum rate of 1 ad per 5 tweets on your time-line. So don’t forget to update your time-line Often.
My Experience :
At the beginning, i just joined to give it a try, but in just less than 3 months am able to cash out 52$ to my Paypal, instant Cashout and note that when i joined Be-a-Magpie, i had a follower base of around 7,000 . So, if you got less followers, you got to wait for few more months.
Note :
- Make sure you got atleast 5k followers or more active followers if you wish to earn quickly.
- Minimum Payout – 50$ ( Instant Payout )
- You can also earn through their Affiliate links
Are you into Magpie already ? If so, just share your earnings with us 🙂
yeah! I use it but didn’t know that having 5k followers is a good thing :)) will try it now 😀
wow , thats cool , getting paid for tweets , i suppose u have a large fan base in twitter
yup.. higher the followers.. higher the click-through 🙂
Seems to be a nice way to make money online from twitter. Thanks for sharing da. Will give it a try. But i need your help for increasing my follower count.
I have only 502 followers this time……. means I have to wait atleast 2 years to get 50 $ 🙂
If you have got all 500 people who will click on your link in less than 24 hrs its posted, you can get even in less than 3 months 😀
Good way to monetize your twitter followers,but won’t your followers be annoyed after some time
It will be just 1 tweet out of my 100 tweets, also they promote quality products, so i don’t think my followers will be annoyed 🙂
Thanks for the share of revenue from Twitter advertising, even I got only around 630+ followers, lets c 😛
cool, just give a try, you loose nothing 🙂
i don’t have much followers but will sure try it…
Recent research from HP found that the level of Twitter chatter about a movie could do a better job predicting that film’s box office performance than leading industry methods – so perhaps it’s no co-incidence that a film was first to put down money to increase the chatter.
I have 130 followers and want to improve followers count,so that only i will attain more revenue from these kind of ad networks,Thanking you for a awesome post…
You really get very good click through. Even though I haven’t tried Magpie, but I use MyLikes…haven’t seen any success with it. The main reason is that I have a very small follower base.
yeah.. rite.. click through is proportional to the follower base 🙂
I’m using Be-a-Magpie from few months, but not earning like as u shown on screenshot 🙂 because, on that time i don’t have much followers. Now i’m increasing my Twitter followers. They really good $$.
yeah.. you too can earn as shown above.. but recently for past a month or more am not receiving any offers 🙁
Yeah.. i do have 😉
sure.. am here to help u 🙂
Dude shocking news, magpie is planning to sell their domain!!
Oo.. That’s too bad !! 🙁
Thats really bad news. I was excited after reading the post.
Really a bad News…you can try sponsored tweets for earning some extra money
yeh , i got one offer there 🙂
I am using sponsoredtweets which makes me 150$ last month , i am also on magpie but no success with it .
That’s great that you earned that much from Spon tweets, i just got an offer from them for 2$, even-though i have 27,000+ followers 😀
Magpie worked for me long back and not now as well 🙁 .
Hey siddh..
I coudn’t find the linlk to Twwepi and Be-A-magpie…
Please check it… and provide a proper link to them..
as i found it interesting..
thanks for notifying me about the broken links.. am updating it.. Its now working well 🙂
Thank you I am going to use it.
Dude, as of now, seems it not works, just try Sponsored tweets 🙂
It would take a while for me to get 5k followers 🙁
Yup, rome was not built in a day 🙂
Checkout http://www.JohnChow.com He posted about how to make more money with sponsored tweets!
yup.. i do knew it bro.. anyways thanks for the share.. 🙂
hmm , you said that followers need to be active as well, but that bulk follow and unfollow system mostly gives in-active followers, still we can earn?
Finally twitter is monetized ……….lets Join the party ..Anyways thanks for the useful post.
that’s cool. Welcome 🙂
yes, we do get inactive followers a little. but again we do get some active followers who do the same thing which we do. so its possible.
thank for simple steps to increase my twitter
I sae this and started using twitter.
thank for simple steps to earn from twitter. I actually tweet with spiritual materail and links at my twitter account.
That’s great to hear about.. Twitter is a must for every person nowadays 🙂
Can you guys share your experience with Sponsored tweets??
it works for some a/c but not to all, i have 50k+ followers right now, but still not working for me 🙁
just give it a try.. you may be lucky 🙂
Wow great information will be sure to check this out when we have enough Twitter followers, thanks for sharing.