Google is one of the most powerful search engines on the web. Zillions of people across the globe access Google every second. This internet giant started buying small and large companies to expand its growth circle. Google also invests in foreign partners for strengthening its business grounds and developing new technology.
Some of the companies Google might buy next are listed below. These are just predictions by us based on their ventures and their importance to Google.
1. Twitter
Twitter is one of the most popular online social networking site and it’s a potential threat to Google. There was a constant rumor that Google was going to buy Twitter, but still now there is no confirmation on the facts. The face of both the companies has changed drastically over the past few years. Twitter’s skyrocketing popularity has changed it from “just a blogging service” to “World’s most popular media network”. Due to the increasing popularity, there is a chance that Twitter might be one of those companies Google might buy next.
2. Hulu
Hulu offers unlimited access to hundreds of movies, popular TV shows, from a variety of content providers such as Twentieth Century Fox, Sony Pictures Entertainment, etc. It was rumored that Yahoo, Amazon, and the dish network were in a bidding war to purchase Hulu. Another fact states that Google has made a huge bid for purchasing Hulu, which is still not confirmed. Hulu is an important source of video ad sales and purchasing it will be a big advantage for Google. Whatever maybe the case, the bidding war is still raging and there is a chance that Hulu might also be one of the companies Google might buy next.
3. nVidia
nVidia is world renowned for its graphics processing units and chipset technologies. It is considered as one of the important ventures that google might acquire next. The company has been creating various advanced graphical units for mobile phones, workstations, and personal computers. Many companies design their own ARM Cpu for Android devices whereas Google does not have a silicon expertise on its own. Google Androids depend on ARM Cpu’s designed by third parties. So Google is on the verge of buying nVidia, which is one of the popular ARM Cpu designers.
4. Sprint
Sprint is a leading communication firm that offers wireless and wireline communication products and services. Sprint has closed the wireless internet deal it made with Clearwire which gives Google a golden opportunity for purchasing it. Sprint has an average of about 20,000 distribution points nationally. By acquiring Sprint, Google can get instant access to all its stores. This will help Google in providing unlimited voice, video, and data solutions.
5. Rovio
Rovio is one of the popular game developing companies in the world. The company gained its popularity after the invention of its most downloaded game, Angry birds. This amazing game was downloaded more than 100 million times across various platforms. This fame has led Google to keep a look out for purchasing Rovio which will help Google add more games to its web platform. Rovio is one of the companies Google might buy next in the near future.
What do you guys think ? Leave your comments below 🙂
Great article, no doubt it contributed to Liquidation closeouts remarkably
Currently the news is that it has tied up with web Hosting services provider in India and I don’t think they would interested in Twitter after the success of Google +.